Sunday, April 15, 2012

Thoughts from Sunday

Every week after church Owen has a little routine where I follow him around as he curiously explores the church saying "Hi" to most people he passes. Our first stop is usually at the stage where he takes a couple minutes to play the congo's. Of course he bangs pretty loud and will get the attention (at least for a second) of everyone in the gym. On this particular occasion Pastor Jack walks by and asks Owen if he likes playing the drums. Owen ignored him and continued to bang away. Pastor Jack made a comment that has stuck with me. He said, "There was a time when we told kids not to climb on, or around, mess with, or play the organ.... now we have hard time finding anyone to play the thing." I guess there is some truth to that. As I thought about it some more, I thought of the age old rule, "No running in church!" I figure if Pastor Jack were to rephrase it he might say... "There was time when we told kids not to run in church... now we are having a hard time finding people to run the church."

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