Monday, April 23, 2012

Big Massive Trees

"I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful." John 15:1-2

I love the imagery that Jesus offers in explaining our relationship with him and the father.  I am not a farmer, or a gardener, but I can still connect with all that is implied in His illustrations.  Growing up I spent a great deal of time working in an orchard, even though Jesus is describing a vineyard, I transpose his illustration in my mind into an orchard. Likewise, he challenges me to be a big massive tree that is deeply rooted and to produce a lot of fruit. Here are some other elements that are found in the garden. 

Fertile Soil: A place to grow. Where your tree can be fed. Pastors, mentors, and the other "trees" around you are called to "tend the soil" and can provide fertile ground.  God (the gardener) recently  "up-rooted" us and re-rooted us in another areas in His garden.
Water: Jesus provides the water to live... this is where the orchard illustration doesn't work so well, but by being connected to him, "the vine," through him we can receive living water.   He explains in John 4, "but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” Have you been thirsty lately?
Wind: Often times is thought as the Holy Spirit, which fits this imagery well.  He pushes us or guides us back and forth.  With His help, our roots are given more room to grow and become deeper, thicker  and stronger.
Pruning: The Gardner knows when the best time for Pruning is. He makes cuts from time to time if there is no fruit.  This of course will allow for more growth and more fruit.
Fruit: From our branches fruit will fall and seeds will be planted.  If we are in fertile soil that seed will grow into a big massive tree. Jesus will  water the seed and the Holy Spirit and God will take care of it.  Some of the fruit will be love, other types of fruit will be joy and patience.  Each tree can create all kinds of fruit.  

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