Wednesday, October 26, 2011

You Know You are Spoiled When...

...when your parents allow you to bring your lawn mower with you to the store.

...when your parents let you hold your lawn mower on your lap while you are on the way to the store.

... when you are only 16 months old and you get an entire ice cream cone from PJ's to yourself.

... when you can buy five more minutes of cuddling before bed time by holding on super tight when your daddy tries to lay you down.

... when you can get your daddy to sing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" for the thirtieth time in a row, by simply dancing around and signing, "more - more."

... when you point at daddy, then the ground, then at daddy, then at the ground, then at daddy, then at the ground.... over and over and over again until finally daddy joins you on the ground for a little bit of rough house!

... when you open the cupboard, pull down the box of nilla wafers, carry them over to daddy and gently sign "pleeeeaasse," you will get at least two every time.

... when your wife makes awesome new dinners almost every night!

... when your wife decides that she wants to bake... cookies, homemade bread (I know), brownies...

Feel free to add to the list.

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