Sunday, October 9, 2011

Thank you!

While we were in transition from California to Illinois, we had a lot of help. Our friends and family really helped us out and worked at making it as easy as possible for us to leave. Hey, wait a second...?? Just kidding. In a time where there were many variables and unknowns, the people in our lives offered their time and services to help us in this transition and we thank you. There were friends in Illinois who catered to my coming back and forth, and back and forth, again and again over 6 months time and constantly let me stay at their house, eat their food, or gave me rides to and from the airport. A special thank you to the Stipps, the Seftons, the Sheltons, the McCormick's, and the Upchurches for their hospitality and just plain ole' helping out. Then there were the numerous friends and of course our family back home allowing us to stay at their house (Cooners), helping us move, drive the moving truck (Grandpa Earl), or supporting us financially, or offering help in babysitting, buying us helpful gifts or plane tickets (Kilpatricks), and all the other intangible things that people did behind the scenes that were done without Amy or I every knowing. There were many more people not named that were named and Amy and I publicly want to thank you and Owen and Callie also want to thank you the only way they know how. You know Owen... you have to envision him using his sign language and sporadically moving his hand back and forth quickly away from his mouth saying thank you!

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