Monday, December 31, 2012

Intensive Day 1

I came into this class a sponge. With high expectations and  hopes that I can learn and draw from to then, turn around and implement into my classes.  Dr. Dunn has not disappointed. As far as my first impression, he nailed it. Its nice to learn from an educational technologist that has been around a while and has well developed thoughts, ideas, and opinions on the use of technology in schools.  He has also helped in developing my thoughts on research, but I will probably focus my blog postings on the highlights of educational technology. 

You Tube, with a series of about 6 videos, that were thought provoking, and entertaining. Each video gave the class a starting point for discussion.  The main theme I received from the discussion is that technology is used to bi-pass the common norm, and to push someone or something further toward success that would not have normally been achieved in a mainstream pathway.  In his example he showed how You Tube was used to bi-pass norms.  What are other examples of technologies that have allowed for this to take place?  Here was the first video shared, that I enjoyed as an introduction to the course.  I will definitely be stealing this idea. 

Doctoral Intensive Introduction

This weekend I have driven to Lynchburg, Virginia to take a week long "intensive" at Liberty University. As a requirement for the course, I will be making daily posts on my progress and reflect on what I am learning day.  Today is a reflection on technology in general.  Since I teach the technology courses at Olivet, I am a very big believer in technology, its uses in the classroom, and the direction that education is going with the development of technology for schools.  I understand the disadvantages that it brings, but in my opinion the advantages far out weigh the disadvantages.  I think it is imperative that the next generation of teachers are widely exposed and have the understanding and ability to utilize all types of technologies in their classroom. With the expansion of mobile devices, the future options will be endless for the students of tomorrow.  Its an exciting field.  There is almost too much to keep up with, but as I tell my students... find something you like and become good at it.  Then find something else you like and continue growing and developing your skills and abilities with technology.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Part 2: Glad not to be me

I watched the new Lord of the Rings "Hobbit" this past week, thanks to a generous offer by Gabe Guven. I liked the movie and enjoyed the night out, but wished that it would have been made it before "The Fellowship of the Ring."  I mention that because if you noticed the title of this blog, I decided to write part two to this blog prior to writing part one.  I don't understand the logic, but since Part two happened a couple hours ago, I will write that first...
I was sitting on the throne in the San Jose Airport, taking care of business before a long flight when an announcment came over the loud speaker, "Someone has left their laptop at security in terminal B, please return to security to claim it."  In a panic, I unzipped my carry-on and saw that I did indeed grabbed my laptop among all the other things that were scattered along the conveyer belt.  Just then, I recieved a phone call on my wife's phone (why I have my wife's phone, read Part 1). It was my mother, my phone had arrived by UPS to their house and she was wondering if I wanted to try to make a trade. Knowing the amount of stress that would be relieved by all parties having their own personal phones, I decided it was worth the risk.  I told my mom to bring the phone to the airport.

I had already been through security once, there had to be a way that I could trade a phone without having to go through security again, right.... Not a chance! So I left "the secure area" to go wait curbside for my parents who were bringing me my long lost phone (Part 1).  Am I going to still make my flight?  Can I trade phone, make it through security, and make it to my gate before my plane pushes off.... The minutes creep by.

Finally, I see my parents arriving in the distance, I go out to the middle of the chaos, trying to avoid a trip to the hospital and make a quick trade. I'm sure those who were watching, thought a deal had just gone down...  I hustle my way back to the security lines. And wait... and wait... and the time, although it is ticking slowly, the amount time before my plane leaves is moving fast (I cannot explain that). Finally I am showing my ID, and the lady gives me one of those looks like, "you have been here before..."  Of course, like any good suspense movie, I get behind Mr and Mrs. Slowski, who have obviously not flown since before 9/11.  Luckily, I was there and motivated enough to teach them in the ways of swift movment through a security checkpoint... "Yes, mam, you must take off your shoes... Sir, they want your jacket on the conveyer belt as well."

Phew! I made it through security and now its time to "Home Alone" or "OJ Simpson" my way through the airport.  And I arrive at my gate just as they call for "A boarding." 
I enter the plane, and believe it or not, the coveted Exit Seat is still available.  I go to pull my laptop out of my carry-on... and...

You guessed it. My laptop is still back at security! My worst nightmare. Hundreds of potential options run through my head as the plane kept filling up with passengers.  What I am going to do?  I can't leave the laptop.  I need it this week....  I flagged down the flight attendant and told her my predicament she says...
"We will wait for you, if you want to delay everybody's flight..."  Unfortunately, there were 35 other people within an earshot, now looking at me thinking, 'you better not!' I could feel  a heavy scowl! I asked her if she would save my "prized seat." She agreed and I took off  weaving in and out of people filing onto the plan and sprinted my way back through the airport! One, I am really getting my exercise. Two, San Jose airport is really long. I make it back to security out of breath, and I enter where it says not to. Good thing too, that attracted a lot of attention.  They pulled out a couple laptops and I immediately identified mine, but they needed proof. The only thing I could think of was to boot it up and type in the password to get in.... and windows is loading... and loading... Finally, I am running through the airport again with my laptop in hand.  I get to the gate and thankfully the plane is still there.

As I enter the plane, I see the evil scowl once again, , and feel that many are glad not to be me. 

Monday, April 30, 2012

Inspiring Teacher with Inspiring Ideas

Great Ideas!  I am so inspired by how Mr. Anderson has created his classroom.  Many lessons here for future and veteran teachers.  If you want a do over in your classroom, summer is almost here and you get to start all over! I wonder what level Mr. Anderson would say he is on as a teacher. In my mind, he is close to saving the princess, but something tells me that in his mind he is only on the first under-water level...

Monday, April 23, 2012

Big Massive Trees

"I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful." John 15:1-2

I love the imagery that Jesus offers in explaining our relationship with him and the father.  I am not a farmer, or a gardener, but I can still connect with all that is implied in His illustrations.  Growing up I spent a great deal of time working in an orchard, even though Jesus is describing a vineyard, I transpose his illustration in my mind into an orchard. Likewise, he challenges me to be a big massive tree that is deeply rooted and to produce a lot of fruit. Here are some other elements that are found in the garden. 

Fertile Soil: A place to grow. Where your tree can be fed. Pastors, mentors, and the other "trees" around you are called to "tend the soil" and can provide fertile ground.  God (the gardener) recently  "up-rooted" us and re-rooted us in another areas in His garden.
Water: Jesus provides the water to live... this is where the orchard illustration doesn't work so well, but by being connected to him, "the vine," through him we can receive living water.   He explains in John 4, "but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” Have you been thirsty lately?
Wind: Often times is thought as the Holy Spirit, which fits this imagery well.  He pushes us or guides us back and forth.  With His help, our roots are given more room to grow and become deeper, thicker  and stronger.
Pruning: The Gardner knows when the best time for Pruning is. He makes cuts from time to time if there is no fruit.  This of course will allow for more growth and more fruit.
Fruit: From our branches fruit will fall and seeds will be planted.  If we are in fertile soil that seed will grow into a big massive tree. Jesus will  water the seed and the Holy Spirit and God will take care of it.  Some of the fruit will be love, other types of fruit will be joy and patience.  Each tree can create all kinds of fruit.  

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Emergency Room Greeting

What should the E.R. nurse or the person working behind that counter say when a new patient enters into the Emergency Room? I will let that soak a bit while I tell you why this question has entered into my life...
Lately my little girl Callie has become quite the little explorer. With her new found gift of crawling, she enjoys following the family around the house and being apart of the action. Perhaps things were a little boring for her taste this past Thursday, when she decided that she no longer wanted to make waffles in the kitchen with Amy, rather she wanted to go play and/or explore in the basement. Normally, this would be okay for our little 8 month old, but Amy usually carries her down the 12 steep steps to the basement. Yes, she fell, or rolled... bumped, banged, and twisted her little body all the way down the stairs. Amy was the only one who had to suffer in hearing our little girl make her way down the stairs. As she ran to her rescue, one can only imagine the terror that creeps into your mind of the possibilities of such an accident. Other than some bumps and abrasions on her head, some red marks on her body, and a terrified little girl and mom, she (from what mom could tell) was okay... Praise God! After getting Callie calmed down, talking to the pediatrician was the next step. The doctor recommended that we take Callie to get a CT scan taken just for precautionary reasons.
This is where I come in. I am driving to the Emergency room and what do you know... no parking! Immediately, I think of popular comedian Brian Regan click here to laugh. Anyway, (if you came back from watching Brian) I drive another block away to another parking lot, across the street and down a ways to park my van. I put the kids in the stroller, since I now have to walk a country mile to get to the emergency room. As I enter into the emergency room, I scan to figure our where to go and I am greeted in a very cheerful and happy voice, "Hello and welcome to Riverside Hospital!" I wasn't sure if I wanted to be welcomed, but that was my first impression. Perhaps its a good thing. I was having a good time brainstorming with Nick all of the possible greetings... none of them very realistic, but still fun to think about. I guess welcoming me was okay.
Our Hospital stay was pretty good. They got us right in, we did the normal waiting around, but nothing too extreme. Callie was a champ! The CT Scan was the worst part. They had to strap little Callie down with a straight jacket made mostly of velcro (insert high pitch crying here) then to make sure that she didn't move her head they had me with one hand grip her jaw (insert higher pitch cry here) as the scan was happening, I continued to tighten down my grip tighter and tighter to make sure we didn't have to do this again. During the scan there was a point when the operator said, "this is the most important part, make sure she doesn't move!" My poor little girl was just traumatized by falling down the stairs and now more trauma as her daddy is squeezing the juices out of her head (intense extreme crying here). Finally, done!
Nothing is more precious than holding your girl as she calms down and sniffs and snorts on your shoulder knowing that that the worst of it is over. Now we just pray that the scan comes out... negative... positive... ahhhh! Seriously, they need to come up with better words to describe to parents the outcome of life changing or altering diagnosis. When the doctor says that the CT scan was "negative," you are thinking "brain damage." When actually the doctors means it was "positive" meaning ... its all good, you can go home now! I think I had a small little stroke or heart attack, as my heart jumped and stomached dropped when the doctor told me that the scan was "negative." As I was bracing for more bad news, I took in the non verbal clues and dispositions of the doctor and realized that "by negative" she actually saying that it was positive and my blood pressure began to lower. Praise God!
Callie is fine, mom is fine, dad is getting better, and Owen was given some cookies at the hospital and so of course he is fine!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Thoughts from Sunday

Every week after church Owen has a little routine where I follow him around as he curiously explores the church saying "Hi" to most people he passes. Our first stop is usually at the stage where he takes a couple minutes to play the congo's. Of course he bangs pretty loud and will get the attention (at least for a second) of everyone in the gym. On this particular occasion Pastor Jack walks by and asks Owen if he likes playing the drums. Owen ignored him and continued to bang away. Pastor Jack made a comment that has stuck with me. He said, "There was a time when we told kids not to climb on, or around, mess with, or play the organ.... now we have hard time finding anyone to play the thing." I guess there is some truth to that. As I thought about it some more, I thought of the age old rule, "No running in church!" I figure if Pastor Jack were to rephrase it he might say... "There was time when we told kids not to run in church... now we are having a hard time finding people to run the church."

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Debt Limit

It's rare when I look at or post things that are political in nature, but I happened upon this video today and had to share it. Perhaps I decided to take a moment to post this video because Amy and I are putting more time and effort into our budget than ever before. We have been blessed and we thank and praise God that we are able to live debt free and control our expenses so that we can continue to live debt free. This video captures a perfect picture of the ridiculous spending habits and lifestyles of so many people... including our government.