Monday, December 31, 2012

Doctoral Intensive Introduction

This weekend I have driven to Lynchburg, Virginia to take a week long "intensive" at Liberty University. As a requirement for the course, I will be making daily posts on my progress and reflect on what I am learning day.  Today is a reflection on technology in general.  Since I teach the technology courses at Olivet, I am a very big believer in technology, its uses in the classroom, and the direction that education is going with the development of technology for schools.  I understand the disadvantages that it brings, but in my opinion the advantages far out weigh the disadvantages.  I think it is imperative that the next generation of teachers are widely exposed and have the understanding and ability to utilize all types of technologies in their classroom. With the expansion of mobile devices, the future options will be endless for the students of tomorrow.  Its an exciting field.  There is almost too much to keep up with, but as I tell my students... find something you like and become good at it.  Then find something else you like and continue growing and developing your skills and abilities with technology.

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