Sunday, November 14, 2010

Life Is Full of Sucking Devices

Owen was sick this last week. He was not breathing well. He had so much gunk in his nose, it made him pretty cranky. Owen is generally a happy little boy with a fun loving personality. But.... when you pull out the nose suction thingy, you know the thing that sucks boogers out of a baby's nose... yeah that thing! When you pull that out and use it on him, he reacts as if it is the worst possible punishment that we could muster. I say we, because when the "thingy" comes out, Owen simultaneously turns into the Hulk and receives super baby strength in which I get to hold him down as Amy administers the sucking device.
Now I know that by doing this it will help him breath. He hates it, but does not understand. He cries, but as his father, I allow him to go through this misery and awful 15 seconds, because I know that it will help him. I could throw the thingy away and his boogers would stay and he wouldn't be subject to such torture, but he wouldn't be able to breath.
I thank God that he knows and understands things that I don't understand. That he allows things of misery and torture to enter into my life for a few seconds so that I can breath. He tells me its okay, I cry, I squirm, I try to muscle my way out, but he holds me down so that I may be able to breath in the future. Life is full of sucking devices... luckily for us, God is doing the administering.

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