Sunday, November 14, 2010

Hebrews 12

As a coach I like this passage because it sounds like a coach. What a great half time speech, or pre-game speech.

Throw off everything that hinders.... What weighs you down and keeps you from God? What hinders you? For many its TV, cell phones, facebook, magazines, eating food, church, your attitude, your parents, your habits... what ever is on your list it is probably not entirely sinful or sinful at all, but it does hinder you and weigh you down. Choose 1 or 2, and throw it off! Come back next week or next month throw off some more while keeping the first one(s) off.

... and throw off sin that so easily entangles. Actual sin, not day to day things, but down right ugly sin. Now I don't necessarily imagine a runner like the passage describes, but a guy wrapped up tightly with an extension cord from his ankles to his neck. Right next to him is a Bible. He wants to and desires to read the Bible, but cannot physically open it up and read it, because he is wrapped up so tight he cannot open it. He can get his hands on it, but its too difficult to open it and read it. The same guy wants to pray, but he is "entangled" so much that he cannot bow or bend his knees. Take your sin and throw it off. What happens when we begin putting the two together throwing off both, the things that weigh us down and entangle us with sin?

...Spiritual growth, spirutual maturity, spiritual success....

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