Thursday, December 8, 2011


The gift of laughter is probably one of the most under-rated, least talked about gifts that God has created and designed for our enjoyment and leisure on earth. I never would have even thought about it, if my daughter at 4 months old didn't just erupt in true, pure, innocent laughter. Here's what happened: Callie was sitting on her momma's lap watching her brother and daddy play ball in the living room. Owen, with all his might, as he has done many times, throws the ball straight up into the air. All of the sudden, for the first time ever, Callie bursts into laughter! Being the proud father that I was, I asked Amy to throw me her phone with the chance that Owen could get his sister to laugh again and the chance of me catching the act on film. In the first repeat attempt, Owen throws the ball at his sister, managing to hit her square in the face... even amongst the surprise and pain, Callie gave us a couple of cute chuckles. Attempts two, three and four were a success, and sweet laughter filled the room. (Fist pump) Then Callie became bored and returned to just laying in her momma's arms.

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